Shortlisted for the Green Building Solution Awards 2015!

El proyecto ORONA IDEO ha sido seleccionado para representar a España entre los proyectos finalistas para los Green Building Solutions Awards 2015!
Los finalistas han sido anunciados en el congreso World Efficiency de Paris.
Está abierto el proceso de votación entre los finalistas a nivel Europeo hasta el 31 de Octubre . Link para votar:…/green-building-solutions-aw…

ORONA IDEO has been shortisted to represent Spain at the Green Building Solution Awards 2015!
The buildings selected to go to the international finals have been announced on October 13th, during World Efficiency, a show and congress in Paris.
The voting is now open among finalists until 31st October. Vote!…/green-building-solutions-aw…

Xabier Barrutieta "Recognised Leader in Urban Design & Masterplanning" - Spain


Xabier Barrutieta architects is an Architecture, Urbanism and Design firm specialising in innovative solutions and integrated projects. The firm provides us with a unique insight into the stunning designs they produce.

Read the article on the Winners supplement pages 109-110 of Build Magazine Architecture Awards 2015.

Our work philosophy rests on the premise that best design comes from a completely integrated approach from the project conception to completion, and we make ourselves stand out offering tailored solutions that are not common to traditional architecture firms.
Xabier Barrutieta architects focuses on three different fields that mainly correspond to three scales of action. Each of these scales has quite different positions according to clients and services we offer.

Interview to Xabier Barrutieta by New House magazine - JTart publishing (China)

Interviewer: New House (The flagship magazine of JTart Publishing & Media Group)

New House: What's the design idea of Orona Ideo’s building form? In term of eco and energy saving, what are its (the form's) advantages or disadvantages?
Xabier BarrutietaThe Zero building is the flagship building of the Orona Ideo – innovation city, a campus developed by the Orona lift manufacturing company composed by various buildings that merge business, research and university. The Zero building houses the corporate headquarters of the company and its form is inspired by the circle, a constant shape in the company’s brand image. The design of the building seeks to evoque elegance, dynamism and elevation through an abstract formal gesture: a hollow cylinder of 90m in diameter, 16m in height and a 15º incline. It dynamically rises from the ground to create a 1,500m2 overhang at the entrance from the city and sinks on the opposite side, allowing passage through and generating a roof-façade for capturing solar energy. This inclination, combined with a good south facing orientation of the building plan, provides the roof a very interesting situation for solar energy collection by means of integrated flat polycrystalline solar panels, and also presents a friendly and eye-catching façade towards the square.

The circular form of the building plan also helps minimize the façade area and enhance the building compactness, as the circle is the shape that embraces the maximum area with the minimum envelope. The inner courtyard produces a hollow space within the building and generates a circular south facing façade where the distribution corridor is located. This area acts as a greenhouse gallery that warms up and permits the passive heating of the building’s most lively area and the higher floors.

The building form has also a part that is sunk in the terrain. Here are located the spaces that need more stable climatic conditions and need no natural light, as the computer rooms, the showroom and the auditorium among others.

"Recognised Leader in Urban Design & Masterplanning"

It is an honour to announce that:
Xabier Barrutieta has been named "Recognised Leader in Urban Design and Masterplanning"  for the Region Spain by BUILD Magazine’s 2015 Architecture Awards.
The magazine will publish an article about our practice in the next issue.

Zerora bidean, eraikuntza jasangarria

Etxebeste Aduriz, Egoitz
Elhuyar Zientzia

Eraikin jasangarrriak, bioklimatikoak, ekoeraginkorrak, berdeak, pasiboak, zero energiakoak… Modan dagoen arkitekturako korronte bat dirudi. Baina hori baino gehiago da. Araudiek jarritako bidea ere bada. Askorentzat, oso maldan gorako bidea. Beste batzuentzat, berriz, eraikin eredugarriak egiteko akuilua.
Arg. Orona
Zero bat. 90 metroko diametroa, 16 metroko altuera eta 15 graduko inklinazioa duen zero bat da Orona Zero, Orona Ideo berrikuntza-hiriko eraikin nagusia. Eta zenbaki borobil hori ez darama forman eta izenean bakarrik, zero energiako eraikin baten izpiritua baitu.
Orona Ideo diseinatzen hasi zirenean, argi zuten proiektu berritzailea izan behar zuela. Enpresa, unibertsitatea eta ikerketa-zentroa espazio berean elkartzea bazen berritzailea, baina jasangarritasunean ere hala izatea nahi zuten. Eta, horretarako, hiri-zelulen ideia zuen buruan Xabier Barrutieta arkitektoak: “eraikin bat baino gehiagoko eta auzo bat baino txikiagoko eskalan, hainbat instalazio zentralizatu egin daitezke, eta eraikin bakoitza espezializatu funtzio jakin batean, adibidez, energia-sorkuntzari dagokionez”.

Muro neumático con huella Zero

Este proyecto muestra como se puso una eficaz solución a los requisitos de casar de forma coherente el cerramiento provisional con la peculiar arquitectura del edificio.

Muro neumático con huella Zero
Para la celebración de los cincuenta años de la creación de la empresa Orona, fabricante de ascensores y escaleras mecánicas de referencia en Europa, además de su junta anual de accionistas y de la inauguración del complejo ORONA Ideo Innovation City en Hernani (España), la dirección de la empresa encargó a Xabier Barrutieta, arquitecto responsable del nuevo complejo arquitectónico, encontrar una solución que permitiera albergar a los 1.500 accionistas convocados al evento.
La problemática a resolver era que el espacio a diseñar debía coexistir con la arquitectura del edificio Orona Zero, la nueva sede social de la empresa, ser coherente con ella y permitir una fácil movilidad de los asistentes hacia el edificio a inaugurar. También debía contemplar el carácter efímero del acto, por lo tanto la intervención no debía dejar huella sobre el edificio; una vez terminados los actos, el desmontaje debía ser ágil, además el material debía utilizarse de nuevo en las próximas convocatorias anuales. Aunque, según relatan desde Área Cúbica, una de las empresas que participaron en la ingeniería, “el escollo más exigente fue encontrar una solución técnica que, cumpliendo los requisitos anteriores, no transmitiera unos esfuerzos demasiado elevados a la estructura preexistente ya que ésta no había sido calculada para este fin”.